A magical chance to experience one of Gilbert & Sullivan's lesser-known gems, "The Sorcerer" is sure to conjure up enjoyment for all the family!
Alexis Pointdextre, a young man of social distinction, is obsessed with the idea of love levelling all ranks, both high and low. To promote his beliefs, he invites the proprietor of J. W. Wells & Co., Family Sorcerers, to brew a love potion and distribute it throughout the village. Comedic mayhem ensues as this causes everyone to fall in love with the first person they see, resulting in the pairing of comically mismatched couples!
About the company:
Fresh from a successful centenary year in 2024, during which they were crowned international champions at the International Gilbert & Sullivan Festival, the Edinburgh Gilbert and Sullivan Society (EDGAS) is delighted to return to the stage with their production of "The Sorcerer". EDGAS aims to stage productions with the highest of artistic and technical values, and regularly receives glowing reviews both from critics and from its loyal and growing audience base.
Recent G&S productions of "The Pirates of Penzance", "The Yeomen of the Guard", and The Gondoliers" were exceptionally well received; they also regularly perform concerts ranging from orchestral singalongs of the operas to smaller concert party visits to a variety of venues throughout Edinburgh and across Scotland.